Meet The Maker

Welcome! I am glad you are here!

I’m Kaitlyn Hale, a wife and a mama of twin boys… We are quite literally Raising Hale. I’ve always loved to craft and create things and have also always had a dream of owning a small business. After becoming a mama in 2021, I struggled with postpartum depression and finding myself outside of just being a mom. When my boys were about a year old, I picked crafting back up and it quickly became an “outlet” for me. I started to find myself again, and before I knew it, my hobby turned into a small business! Raising Hale Designs was launched in February 2023 and as of April 2024, it is now my full time job, allowing me to be more present with my family while investing time into my business! I’m excited that something I always dreamed of is finally becoming a reality and that I get to share it with all of you!

Thanks to the love and support from family, friends, & customers. I’m so incredibly thankful for each and everyone one of you!

Love, Kaitlyn Hale & Family